As long-term investors, we believe that sustainability risks, if not properly managed, can impact investment performance. As such, our investment teams incorporate analysis of environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks within the investment process, in line with Bruellan’s values.
To implement our philosophy, we combine various responsible investment methodologies throughout our investment process.
Our methodology
ESG filters (based on international standards, sector restrictions and worst-in-class exclusions) are applied to remove certain companies from the investable universe.
ESG factors are then integrated into the analytical process and investment decisions. In doing so, we adopt the definition provided by the UN Principles for Responsible Investment – i.e. “the explicit and systematic incorporation of ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making”. This means that, in strict compliance with Bruellan’s investment process, our teams carry out an analysis of financial and ESG indicators, so as to identify the significant risk factors associated with each investment case. Once these factors have been identified, our teams assess their potential impact on the company’s performance and factor this fundamental analysis into their investment decisions.
A responsible and committed attitude
To extend deployment of our sustainable investment philosophy, and with the aim of better protecting and enhancing the value of client assets entrusted to us, we engage in responsible and committed management. This effort is carried out through two complementary tools: engagement and proxy voting.

While engaging with some companies on ESG matters can take various forms (private or group meetings, correspondence, etc.), we strive to establish a sincere dialogue and to understand the issues they face.
Proxy voting
Exercising voting rights is the most direct way of holding a company’s management accountable and aligning our interests, as minority shareholder, with theirs. It is a crucial tool to carry out our efforts towards responsible and committed management.

Scope of application

Unless otherwise stated, all the commitments and processes described above apply only to funds that are managed by the Bruellan Asset Management team and classified as Art. 8 products as per the European Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), or to equivalent strategies registered under Swiss jurisdiction.
– Protea – BAM Europe Family Enterprises
– Protea – BAM Swiss Family Enterprises
– Protea – BAM Swiss Equities
– Bruellan Dynamic – Swiss Equities