Over the long run, a company’s value is measured by its ability to generate high levels of cash flow. Companies with differentiated products and a strong position in their market tend to perform better in this respect. In addition, those boasting a high profitability and return on capital can more readily adapt to changing conditions.
In addition, those boasting a high profitability and return on capital can more readily adapt to changing conditions.
Our “Bruellan Dynamic Tactical“, launched in 2011, thus invests in global companies with proven business models, strong brands, a dominant positioning and high barriers to entry, enabling them to maintain their competitiveness and above-average profitability over time and through cycles.
Did you know that?
… Microsoft generates as much free cash flow as Switzerland collects in income tax.
… only 1 in 10 listed companies has a return on invested capital that exceeds 10%.
… 40% of high-quality companies are concentrated in just two sectors: Information Technology and Healthcare.
Your contact
Florian Marini
Senior Fund Manager